Types of Splints for Elbow Pain

After entrapment of the ulnar nerve, or when experiencing other elbow injuries, it is important to find an elbow splint to help prevent elbow stiffness and pain. Rehabilitation of the elbow should be started early in order to prevent the joint from being placed under extreme tension during movement. Elbow braces can help control pain and swelling, recover range of movement, and also recover muscle flexibility.

There are two basic types of elbow splints: static splints and dynamic splints. Both static and dynamic splints provide positive results for elbow stiffness and are used for different objectives and situations.

Static Splints

A static splint has fixed protection and does not allow the elbow to move. These splints are typically used for shorter periods of time to immobilize the elbow and restrict the range of movement. In some cases, a static splint is used right after surgery or even a fracture to reduce pain during the inflammatory phase. Through initiating a gentle progressive stretch on the tissue, static splints help to incrementally restore range of motion to the elbow.

Wearing a static splint at night can also help support the forearm muscles and reduce pressure on the elbow tendons while sleeping. Static splints can prevent the elbow from contracting fully, thus reducing elbow pain felt at night.

Dynamic Splints

Dynamic splints have an adjustable hinge at the elbow to allow bending and straightening of the joint. They allow for a greater range of movement of the elbow than static splints, as a person can still operate with slight active motion when wearing a dynamic splint. Dynamic splints increase range of motion over a period of time by utilizing the method of low load prolonged stretching. This method applies a low amount of pressure to the affected joint for a prolonged period of time with little to no discomfort to the user. 

Dynamic splints typically are worn throughout the day, as they allow for the user to maintain slightly active exercises, while still maintaining joint alignment and assisting in joint flexion.

Both dynamic and static elbow braces are useful in elbow rehabilitation after acute injury or surgery to decrease pain and allow movement within a safe range of movement. Our Lonnie Brace has a flexible and unique design that allows for use during the day and at night. Users can wear The Lonnie Brace during the day in order to cushion their elbow from contact injury and properly allow their ulnar nerve to heal. It can also be worn at night with an attachable hinge to provide a more rigid design. Our goal was to provide users with a convenient and comfortable elbow brace that can be worn at any time, day or night, to cushion the elbow and decompress the ulnar nerve.


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