Physical Therapy Activities for Cubital Tunnel Syndrome

Conservative management is the mainstay of treatment for Cubital Tunnel Syndrome. Such measures include rest, bracing, and physical therapy. The goal is to promote faster healing and avoid potentially unneeded surgeries.

Some of the most common, yet effective, home therapies include:

Head Tilt

  1. Sit in a chair with your back firm against it and reach your arm out to the side with elbow straight.

  2. Turn your hand up toward the ceiling.

  3. Tilt your head away from your hand.

  4. Extend your wrist with your fingers toward the floor.

  5. Return to starting position.

  6. Repeat slowly 5 times.

Elbow Flexion and Wrist Extension

  1. Sit in a chair with your back firm against it and reach your arm straight out to the side with your palm facing the ceiling.

  2. Flex your wrist so that your fingers point to the ceiling.

  3. Bend your elbow and bring your hand toward your shoulders while turning your wrist so that your thumb points away from you.

  4. Repeat slowly 5 times.

Arm Flexion in Front of Body

  1. Sit in a chair with your back firm against it and reach your arm straight out in front of you and palm facing the ceiling.

  2. Extend your wrist downwards, pointing your fingers toward the floor.

  3. Bend your elbow and bring your wrist toward your face.

  4. Repeat slowly 5-10 times.


  1. Sit in a chair with your back firm against it and reach your arm out to the side.

  2. Turn your palm toward the ceiling.

  3. Touch your thumb to your first finger to make the “OK” sign.

  4. Bend your elbow, bringing your hand against your face in a manner whereby you are looking the opening made by the finger and thumb, and your other 3 fingers wrapped around your chin with your thumb positioned your eye.

  5. Hold for 3 seconds, then return to starting position and repeat 5 times.


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