How to Determine the Difference Between Cubital Tunnel Syndrome and Golfer’s Elbow

Golfer's Elbow

When treating elbow injury, it is essential to understand what exactly has been injured. It is common to hear conditions like Cubital Tunnel, Golfers Elbow, and Tennis Elbow mentioned in the same breath when referring to causes of elbow pain, but each of these are different issues.

The elbow is a complicated joint. It is jam-packed with nerves and tendons that enable us to do what we love to do. Here, at The Lonnie Brace, we know just how debilitating an elbow injury can be. That Is why Dr. Steve Martino developed the Lonnie Brace, a proprietary elbow brace that addresses multiple elbow issues by providing precise support.

There are two significant ways an elbow can be injured that we will address today. In most cases, you’ve either got a nerve injury or a tendon injury. To discover the differences behind elbow pain's main causes and how an elbow brace can help, continue reading below.

Is it Nerve Injury Such as Cubital Tunnel?

There is a sizable nerve that passes through the elbow, known as the ulnar nerve. Cubital Tunnel is an inflammation or irritation of this nerve. If you have ever hit your "funny bone," you are already familiar with how an ulnar injury can feel. 

Nerves play a crucial role in communicating the sensations we feel to our brain. When the ulnar nerve is irritated and injured, this leads to mixed signals getting sent to your brain. That’s why Cubital Tunnel can often feel like burning or tingling down the outer forearm and into the ring and pinky fingers. 

It can be persistent and frustrating for anyone experiencing this injury. Another easy way to tell if you’ve hurt your ulnar nerve is that when stationary or with every bend of the elbow, pain can be felt rushing down the forearm. 

Is it a Tendon Injury like Tennis Elbow or Golfer’s Elbow?

Inflammation of the tendon is more commonly known as tendinitis by medical professionals. What's more, tendinitis in the elbow is frequently referred to as epicondylitis. Tendons are the fibrous connective tissue that attaches muscles to bones and allows us to move. We demand a lot from our elbows daily, so tendonitis can occur in a sudden injury or over time from overuse.

The two main injuries to the tendons in the elbows are Tennis Elbow and Golfer's Elbow. You don't need to be an athlete to obtain these injuries, but they are so commonly associated with those specific sports that their names help tell the two apart.

Imagine making a backhand swing with the tennis racket. As the hand swings outward and across the chest, there is a lot of stress that is put on the tendons on the outer elbow. The tendons on the outer elbow are attached to a bony prominence on the elbow called the lateral epicondyle. Tennis elbow is inflammation of the lateral epicondyle along with the tendons that attach to it. 

Now imagine making a swing with a golf club. As your rearmost arm extends and drives the swing, think about the stress that it puts on the tendons of the inner elbow. This is called the medial, meaning inner, epicondyle. Golfer's elbow is inflammation of this inner-elbow tendons.

Simple and Effective Treatment at Home 

Injuries to the tendons and nerves in the elbow are frequently caused by overuse and improper support. Resting the joint and protecting it from further damage is necessary but tricky. Many braces on the market simply aren't accommodating to day-to-day elbow function. The ideal elbow brace:

  • Can be flexible or rigid, depending on the needs of the user

  • Is easily worn day and night 

  • Can be worn on either arm

  • Offers varying levels of relief like a removable, rigid hinge attachment 

With these considerations in mind, esteemed neurologist and inventor Dr. Stephen J. Martino, created the Lonnie Brace to better serve his patients. His unique design's flexibility allows users to go about their daily lives while protecting and healing their injuries.

Choose Lonnie Brace

Getting the cubital tunnel syndrome and tendonitis relief you've been looking for is now more accessible than ever. Choose Lonnie Brace and experience the difference that the rest of our customers do day in and day out. Click here to learn more about the product, and place your order today.


How To Address Cubital Tunnel Syndrome