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Treat Elbow Pain Quickly and Effectively

Stop Elbow Pain and Prevent Reinjury.

Now offering 30% Off! Winter Sale Limited Time Offer! Applied at checkout while supplies last!

  • Cubital Tunnel Syndrome

  • Tendinitis

  • Tennis and Golf Elbow

  • More!

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The Only 2-in-1 Elbow Brace Available

Go from day to night knowing your elbow is protected.

The unique design of the Lonnie Brace allows users to switch between a flexible and a rigid design, offering relief and healing from daytime activities through sleep hours.

How The Lonnie Brace Ends Cubital Tunnel Syndrome and Elbow Pain

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  • Comfortable and Flexible or Rigid (user option)

  • Easily worn day and night

  • ONLY elbow brace on market to cushion elbow and decompress ulnar nerve

  • Only brace that prevents injury and re-injury during day

  • Removable, Rigid Hinge attachment for bonus relief during sleep if needed

  • Can be worn on either arm

Invented by a Leading Neurologist

An esteemed neurologist and inventor, Dr. Stephen J. Martino created the Lonnie Brace to better serve his patients. The flexibility of his unique design allows users to go about their daily lives, while protecting and healing their injuries.

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What Does The Lonnie Brace Treat?

  • Cubital Tunnel Syndrome Pain

  • General Elbow Pain

  • Ulnar Nerve Damage Pain

  • Tendinitis Pain

  • Complex Repetitive Strain Injuries

  • Golf and Tennis Elbow

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The Only Elbow Brace You’ll Ever Need.

Other Braces:

  • Uncomfortable

  • Makes arm unusable

  • Difficult to sleep with bulky brace

  • High rate of re-injury to nerve during the day

The Lonnie Brace:

  • Cushions elbow and isolates injury

  • Allows you to do any normal activity

  • Designed for both daytime and sleep

  • Prevents injury and reinjury

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“Braces on market FAILED to effectively treat my own cubital tunnel syndrome, so I invented my own.”

-Dr. Stephen J. Martino,
Inventor of The Lonnie Brace

Trusted By Doctors, Loved By Patients

“It's the bomb! My elbow has been giving me a lot of problems for a long time. It discouraged me from working out and I became a little depressed! I tried The Lonnie Brace, and within a week or so the pain went away! I love it, I wear when I work out and even at work.”

-Rob Andrew King, NJ

“Thank you for the brace. I wear it all the time whenever my hand gets weak or numb.”

— Dr. Dedona, Internal Medicine

“I was so worried I needed surgery. This brace finally cured my symptoms.”

— Study Participant

End Elbow Pain Today.

Try The Lonnie Brace risk-free and see why we are revolutionizing cubital tunnel syndrome pain treatment.